Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Flashback Tuesday

I'm restarting a trend as I look back at old journals. I have done too much to fall into a pit of depression and anxiety about my past and future. So here goes.

From ~March 2008, AmeriCorps*NCCC, Albany GA I wrote the following:

"How many 25-year-olds start their day by climbing an extension ladder with a hammer and continue to nail shingles to a roof? I can't help but notice I'm a little excited by that fact."

I also can't help but notice how I yearn to do that again, and how monotonous my life is now that I'm living back in the suburbs of Atlanta, working a part time job and getting ready to plunge head on into a grad program that will set me on a path to "financial stability" in the near future. Yes, I know what is best for me. Yes I've done the math. Yes, I've made the pro/con list. But darn it if I still want to dream and live the life? Does this make me forever a rambling hippie?

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