Friday, September 16, 2011

Who are you?

Playing along with this blog:
(You should too!)

Please list your..............

Current location:
Decatur, GA
Day job: I'm a SUPPORT ASSOCIATE (aka there's nothing I say no to doing) at a group home for adults with disabilities. Right now I'm part cook, maid, journalist, recorder, nutritionist, life coach, and nurse. Ha.

Dream job: If I figured this out do you think I'd be working? LOL. I'd love to be a writer someday, and I'd love to work for any place that sends me to travel the world at their expense. I always said travel writing or blogging was what I'd be doing, but I'm sure I'd find something wrong with that too. I don't really think there's such a thing as a "dream job" and I really need to focus on the mindset that there are little positive things that happen at every job and just be content with where I am.

How you'd describe your style: Really comfortable. But not slob-ish. (At least I hope not!)

Favorite clothing company: Everything I own either comes from Kohl's (love them!) or Target

Favorite TV show: How I Met Your Mother

Favorite way to procrastinate: When I'm not dicking around online (facebook, twitter, message boards, blogs) I'm usually doodling in my sketchbook or playing with yarn/paint. Recently discovered acryllic (sp?) paint. Great stuff!

Something you're looking forward to this week: Melissa Ferrick at Eddie's Attic and going to Helen with the ladies at work. Also, learning a ton of new vocabulary and actually being able to carry on a conversation in ASL class. And contra dancing on Friday!!!

Something on your bucket list: Visiting the five continents I have still yet to set foot on. Living in (ok maybe just visiting!) London, Spain, France, and Germany.

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