Friday, May 27, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday: Kick off to Summer Blanks

Taken from this blog I read regularly.

1. If I could get away somewhere for the weekend I would go...I actually am going to Savannah, GA this weekend to catch up with some old college girl friends. Can you say, GIRLS WEEKEND? Hell yeah!

2. Something I often rant about is living at home again after being on my own on the other side of the world. I don't mind catching up with the folks, but for my sanity and theirs, this has got to end soon.

3. One item I need to have in my fridge at all times is iced tea. I never used to like it, but lately I have been consuming it by the gallon almost. I make my own and don't brew it as sweet or as strong as the southerners like it, but I do need to have some on hand at all times.

4. My "life-saving" product is my hair straightener, though with summer in the south coming on, I fear it's going to be a frizzy hair day everyday.

5. A friend is someone who lets you know when to stop or start, and listens at all times. She is someone who speaks the truth in a way that no other person can.

6. If I could write my own blank it would be my favorite summer drink is...(alcoholic or not).

7. My favorite kind of art is anything I can make with recycled materials.

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