Sunday, January 12, 2025

Difficult Conversations: An Echoes of Recovery Post and Brainstorming

Please think about a conversation you are dreading. Please write two scripts for how the conversation might go. One of the scripts should be your best case scenario where the person with whom you are communicating is a good listener, maintains emotional safety, and offers the feedback you are hoping to receive. The other script should be the worst case scenario.

Remember, you can't control another human's reaction, but you can control how you respond to their reaction.

The conversation does not need to be with your alcoholic partner, but it can be. It can even be a conversation with a previous alcoholic partner with whom you no longer communicate. It can just as effectively be a conversation with a different family member, a coworker, a neighbor, etc. The "who" is not the point. Preparing for a challenging conversation from all angles is the idea here. Maybe preparation will bring you a step closer to feeling ready to initiate the conversation.

Ideas for conversations: 
1. Are you aware you were taking advantage of me financially for 7+ years? 
2. Are you in true emotional sobriety? 
3. Why do I feel like an adolescent around you? 
4. Did you truly gaslight me into teaching in the states 7 years ago? 
5. Are we ever going to to be able to travel again? 
6. Why do I feel like you run every show? 

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