Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Love this!

"Pick up the nearest book to you. Turn to page 45. The first sentence describes your sex life in 2012.

"What's praised as good today may be condemned as bad tomorrow, and vice versa; it's not necessarily that we were wrong then and right now. It's just that our knowledge is constantly growing, and along the way we sometimes have to unlearn what we thought was true." ~The South Beach Diet book and cookbook (LOL)

"'I should head home, actually,' I said. I'm kinda tired." ~The Fault In Our Stars, John Green

I think I like the first one better, but the second one is definitely more accurate, ha.

Thanks for the game, Tigi. I yanked this fun little ditty from Another Motown Throwdown. Visit her and play along! What's your 2012 sex life forecast? Ha!

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