Friday, October 10, 2014

Where I'm going

It occurred to me with my last post that I never actually told you where I was going. I am on my way to New Orleans, LA to see the wonderful Stephanie marry the love of her life and re-commune with the AmeriCorps*NCCC. Looking forward to it, and looking forward to a week outside of Atlanta. Also looking forward to my first lesbian wedding. And I don't care if its not politically correct. I'm a UU. What kind of UU am I? I've never been to a lesbian wedding before now and I am 32 years old! And I'm straight but not narrow! I'm so looking forward to this experience and finding out what kind of service this will be. And partying with everyone of course. Getting back to my crunchy granola roots. LOL. Have you ever been to a non-traditional wedding? What was it like? Did you have fun?

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