It's really hard to motivate oneself to get anything else done when working part time, particularly the job I'm working now. This summer has been a complete bust in terms of my writing, and also in terms of my fitness goals. I never know when I'm going to work, so I'm always on call for that, and I'm not even working 20 hours a week! I just sit around, read, watch TV, fool around online, send out a few resumes and cover letters and wait to work. It's pathetic! I can't wait until fall starts so at least I have a steady schedule.
I was much more productive when I was working 50-hour weeks in terms of writing and fitness.
I knew when I had to work, and I went to work out after work. I was also at the same location everyday, and I realized that makes a difference. All of this is helping me figure out what it is I actually do want when it comes to finding a real, live job! (Which will hopefully unfold in the coming weeks, as schools start back for the fall.) There's nothing much else to this post, just some reflecting going on. I also am living in a garbage dump of a room as I make the transition from my current house to College House. I feel like I'm embark upon the Real World live as I will be sharing space with FIVE females. FIVE. And ONE bathroom, ONE fridge. Stay tuned for updates, this should be interesting.
I so understand about the when you are busy you get a lot done! You'd THINK that with all this extra pseudo-between-job/work from home time that I have, that I would have done so much by now, but I get NOTHING done. I'm much more productive with a full schedule.
Hello! City of Lakes Alum, whether I know them or not, by default are cool in my book. After a crazy year in AmeriCorps, the summer is definately super slow. Hope your job search is going well. I may be back at my charter school in northeast, New Visions. They may be hiring, check them out. It's good experience and can give you more perspective on the education world. It helped give me more direction as someone who had no education background. I toe a fine line with being productive and busy. I worked 45 hours a week and didn't love my job, so I felt super sluggish. In AmeriCorps I worked as much and loved it and was more productive.
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