Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another meme from Squiddo

First Name Meme

This is a really short but interesting meme about names. We all have them and we are all connected to them. Copy and paste into your blog and change the intro and comments after each question. Use the title of this meme in your subject line or create your own. Feel free to tag your friends or not. A link back to this lens would be appreciated.

Did you know that every name has an origin and meaning? I love names. Real names, pet names, pretend names, whatever. My husband is a teacher and he often find that kids with the same have similar behaviours (no I'm not going to tell you which kids act up the most).

Here's a meme on first names:

Your name? Jennifer

Your nick name? Jenn

Do you like your name? Most of the time. It's rather common for an American name of my generation, but it's alright.

If you could change your name what would it be? Lily or Daisy

Mother's name (can sub father)? Laura

Grandmother's name (can sub grandfather)? Jean

Children's names? (Delete if you don't have or make a note about future names) I don't have children, but I've always liked the names Rachel, Eve, Sarah, and Andrew

Do they have any nick names? Jenn, Rosie, and Bubbles

Pet's name (current or past) Gus, but it's a rabbit in Korea, and Gus doesn't suit it. I'm thinking of changing it to Peter. I've always wanted a rabbit named Peter. I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to Beatrix Potter stories.

Your pet's nick name? Doesn't really have one. Sorry folks.

Your best friend's name? Emily

Nick name for your friend? Em

Favourite name for a boy? Andrew, Andy, James (what can I say? I'm traditional.)

Favourite name for a girl? Rose

Name of your car? My car in the states? I suppose the SILVER BULLET fits nicely.

Favorite Place Name? I don't understand this question. It's dumb.

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